Recording the Artistic Milestones in the Ultimate Storage Solution
The StorageDirector Q-Series is a product that is built to solve the issues of data storage in the field of media, entertainment and broadcasting fields.
From the beginning of IT, data has been a strategic resource, especially in the media and entertainment industry. The simplicity of processes involved – sensors collect it, analysts mine the data, processing from every angle – in attempting to convert the data into a somewhat tangible entity is mainly to make or save money. The world at present has produced more data than ever. The velocity and volume to data flooding into the data center has created a need for energy storage systems.
The renowned developers of grid-scale software-defined storage solutions and providers of server and storage products OSNEXUS and Pogo Linux respectively have joined forces. The partnership was made to fundamentally tackle the data storage issues by creating the StorageDirector Q-Series storage solution. The new data storage solution excels in delivering a scalable and simplified content distribution along with storage for media, entertainment and broadcast users.
“QuantaStor SDS provides IT architects with the latest in storage software and hardware capabilities so that any HPC solution can be designed specifically to meet extreme workload and storage traffic needs,” says Steven Umbehocker, founder and ceo of OSNEXUS. The Storage Driector Q-Series encompasses the QuantaStor software-defined storage platform with certified Pogo hardware to give an enriched streaming and active archiving of digital content with enterprise-class availability, fully-integrated data services, and high-capacity storage system.
“QuantaStor has over 500 REST API’s, and new API’s are added constantly to QuantaStor to keep up with customer needs,” Umbehocker adds. In addition to the above features, the StorageDirector Q-Series storage solution provides state-of-the-art media processing capacities while including the operational agility and flexibility to deal with unexpected media workflow demands.
There are various scalability challenges in broadcasting and media storage, many conventional storage platforms are unable to fulfill in prospects like performance and cost-efficiency. Being recognized as one among the Top 20 Promising HPC Solution Providers in 2018, OSNEXUS believes that the partnership has produced a software-defined storage solution that will overcome many challenges while increasing the IT agility.
Read the entire article at CIOReview.