Server Refresh 2019 – 5 Reasons to Upgrade Now

Posted on May 5, 2019 by rawee.k
two guys standing in server room

If you’ve got a few server refresh cycles under your belt, you already know that even the best quality hardware has a limited duty life. Contrary to popular belief, not all workloads are moving to the cloud, especially the ones that are high cost for server compute workloads by mainstream hyperscale providers. So, whether you…

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Pogo Returns to the GNU South

Posted on May 5, 2019 by Rachel B
Southeast Linuxfest - banner

On June 14th, Pogo will return to North Carolina for SouthEast LinuxFest. Over the years this show has become an important part of our show calendar. Here’s why. What is it? To quote liberally from the SouthEast LinuxFest website: SouthEast LinuxFest is a community event for anyone who wants to learn more about Linux and…

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DRAM Prices Are Still Falling: Here’s 5 Ways Your Data Center Can Benefit from the Memory Free-Fall

Posted on April 4, 2019 by rawee.k
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If you’ve peeked at memory prices recently, you probably know that the cost for DRAM chips have been falling. According to DRAMeXchange, DRAM prices have plummeted by nearly 30 percent so far in the first quarter of 2019 and are expected to continue their price-fall. What’s Happening? Since January, the price for memory has dropped 30%, experiencing…

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Bryan Lunduke’s New Powerhouse Workstation

Posted on February 2, 2019 by Rachel B

If you’re part of the Linux and the open source community, Bryan Lunduke probably needs no introduction. Bryan has reported in from the front lines of the tech industry for many years, across various media. Bryan is also a sought-after speaker at open source conferences. For

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Two Thousand Nineteen

Posted on January 1, 2019 by Rachel B
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Happy New Year! 2018 flew by in what seemed like a heartbeat. It was a good year for Pogo. Time indeed flies when you’re having fun, and 2019 is already upon us.  This year is already queued up to be another exciting one. We are Turning Twenty! In the volatile and sometimes unpredictable landscape of our…

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