OSNEXUS Certified AMD EPYC Storage Platform

Posted on August 8, 2017 by Rachel B
OSNEXUS Certified AMD EPYC Storage Server

OSNEXUS has just certified the Storage Director Q2E for their QuantaStor SDS platform, making this the first AMD™ EPYC™ system to receive the designation. The recently unveiled AMD EPYC processor has shown great promise as a storage platform and this promise has just been realized with the Pogo Linux Storage Director Q2E software defined storage (SDS) node. “The new…

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Storage Servers with Uninterruptible Power

Posted on August 8, 2017 by Rachel B
Unstoppable Power - Pogo Linux Iris 429-24 and Atlas 413-24

As IT professionals, we all work hard to keep our company’s stored data secure, yet available. We spend a great deal of time and money on ensuring the privacy and integrity of the information our organizations need to store. On the long list of mandatory hardware and software components for any secure IT environment, one line item that…

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Intel Xeon SP – A datacenter on your desk

Posted on July 7, 2017 by admin
Xeon SP Desktop Datacenter

Earlier this month, we were proud to announce the all-new Intel™ Xeon™ SP family, making it available to you in our new line of servers.  Intel heralded their new platform as the “Biggest data center platform advancement in a decade.” As pleased as we’ve been with the performance of the new servers, it should go…

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Finally an EPYC Desktop

Posted on July 7, 2017 by admin
AMD EPYC Workstation

Last month, we were proud to announce the all-new AMD EPYC processor, making it available to you in our new line of servers. As pleased as we’ve been with the performance of the new servers, it should go without saying that we’ve been chomping at the bit to introduce a desktop workstation built on this new…

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Bryan Lunduke Gets Schooled about VR by Pogo Linux

Posted on July 7, 2017 by admin

Last week, Chris Stevenson (our president VR expert), was a special guest on The Lunduke Hour, hosted by Bryan Lunduke. They had an enlightening conversation about Virtual Reality platforms, what industries are driving the evolution of VR, and what kind of system you need to make the most of a VR kit. Watch it here: Pogo…

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