Is the NVIDIA Titan X up to the Challenges of Deep Learning?

Posted on September 9, 2016 by admin
NVIDIA Titan X with Pascal

NVIDIA has recently introduced the new TITAN X™, the biggest and most advanced GPU ever built. Blaise Pascal said, “Imagination decides everything.” This certainly applies to the hardware engineering team at NVIDIA. Not content with the already “irresponsible amount of performance” of their GTX 1080, they imagined breaking the 10 teraflops barrier for computing on a single chip….

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The Future is Here – Super Dense Twin Servers

Posted on September 9, 2016 by Rachel B
Twin Servers from Pogo Linux - Density is your destiny

Hello, McFly! It’s not 1985 any more. Rack space at the data center is expensive. Not only that, system power consumption is always a concern. System density is more important than ever. Pogo has the solution: Deploy twin servers! Two heads are better than one, right? Iris 4882 This is heavy, Doc. The Iris 4882 shoehorns eight…

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How do you fit 90 drives in a 4U?

Posted on August 8, 2016 by Rachel B
Got Petabytes?

Do you have a gargantuan amount of incoming data that needs a home port? We thought you might, so we’ve put together a few new super dense and ultra elegant storage solutions. These three systems pack an insane amount of storage into just four rack units each. Now you can take full advantage of your expensive…

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Go for the gold with Pogo’s champion mathletes

Posted on August 8, 2016 by Rachel B
Pogo’s Champion Mathletes

As we approach the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, our competitive spirit has us thinking, “What if there was an Olympic event for mathematical number crunching?” If there were, these two new systems would be vying for gold. In the Workstation division, the Velocity Q58VL’s extreme integer-based processing would reign supreme. Meanwhile, the floating point capabilities of…

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Pogo fights for children’s literacy – you can help!

Posted on April 4, 2016 by Rachel B
Help Page Ahead fight for children's literacy

As tech-savvy internet dwellers, we take the ability to read for granted. However, did you know that in Washington state, only 36% of children from low income families can read at a basic level, versus 68% of their middle and upper income counterparts?1 In addition, did you know that kids who don’t read at grade level…

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