Posted on August 8, 2015 by Rachel B
The first new class of memory in 25 years 1989 was a good year. Gas was less than a dollar per gallon; Intel unveiled the 486 series CPU; the Berlin Wall came down; and Nintendo released the first Game Boy. There was also a milestone you may not remember: 1989 was the the last time…
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Posted on July 7, 2015 by admin
Maximum available computing power peacefully residing under your desk Big computing doesn’t always happen at the data center. Sometimes you need maximum computing power right there at your desk. Unfortunately, being in same room as a maximum-performance PC can be like sharing a room with a jet engine. Why are systems so loud? As you probably know,…
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Posted on June 6, 2015 by Rachel B
An update on the state of the SSD Last summer, we brought you “A Brief History of Solid State Drives,” which outlined the evolution of the SSD through the ages. Now that it’s a year later, we thought it fitting to revisit changes over the last year and give an updated look at the future…
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Posted on June 6, 2015 by Rachel B
A 3.5 Terabyte Stick of Gum?! Over the past few years, adherence to Moore’s Law has slowed throughout the tech industry. Nonetheless, Micron® and Intel® have teamed up to maintain the rapid pace of innovation in the solid state storage space. They have just introduced a revolutionary new high-density flash memory architecture called 3D NAND. Traditional planar NAND architectures are…
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Posted on May 5, 2015 by Rachel B
Springtime is always a busy time for technology conferences; this year more than ever. The team here at Pogo Linux is committed to supporting the open source community as well as taking every opportunity to interface with our peers in the IT space. Here’s a quick recap of our recent activities. LinuxFest Northwest The 2015…
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